
Tour Resources

Show Resources

High Times and Dirty Monsters Resources

We have collected a number of resources to go alongside our nationally touring show.

These include information about the show, signposting, and Mental Health First Aid resources.

If you need the documents in alternative formats, please get in touch with Amy on amy@20storieshigh.org.uk

Resource Pack

This provides information about the show, as well as signposting information. This has been primarily created with teachers, youth workers, facilitators and educators in mind.

Resource Pack

Self-Care Toolkit

This document includes information about the show, a synopsis, details about difficult themes, and how you can look after yourself.

Self-Care Toolkit

Signposting List

This document gives a detailed list of places that can be contacted regarding any tricky themes in the play.

Signposting List

Wellbeing Resources

Below are a number of wellbeing resources that can be useful. These documents are Large Print and Dyslexia-Friendly by design. We have also made a screen-reader document summarising the different wellbeing resources.

Accessibility Tools