
Leanne Becomes Company Executive Director

They say a change is as good as rest… Well change is certainly afoot here at 20 Stories High towers. 

We’re delighted to announce our wonderful Participation Manager, Leanne Jones is now Company Executive Director and responsible for keeping the motley crew that make up our team in shape. Leanne will be taking on some of the strategic and developmental responsibilities of Julia and Keith allowing them more free time to focus on all things artistic both for 20 Stories High and outside of the company. Congratulations to Leanne on her new role!

Alongside this, our current General Manager, Tina Taylor will become Administration and Finance Manager and Lucy Graham will remain Company Administrator. 

The Participation Team is also having a shake up with a new role, Participation Co-Ordinator, being filled by Liz Carlisle who will start mid-May. She will be supported by Donna Coleman as Participation Support Worker. We’re super excited to have two new and very capable faces join our team.

We also have two brand new associate roles starting this spring: the Strategic Touring Associate (Laura Orchard) and the Marketing and Communications Associate (TBA).

It’s been a period of upheaval for staffing at 20 Stories High and big thanks have to go to the team for working tirelessly to continue to deliver our programme during this time. Special thanks go to Nicole Morris for covering Leanne’s Maternity Leave and to Lucy Graham and Nathaniel Hall for stepping in as ‘Acting’ Participation Co-ordinators until Liz joins the company in May.

For more information about the staff team, click the ‘About Us’ tab at the top of this page.

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